Cutesy at Canning Meiko Home

Lou Shu Fun, commonly known as ‘silver needle noodle’, is also called rat (Shu) noodle by most Malaysians. The noodle is called Shu due to its shape like a needle or a rat’s tail and is one of the many…
SeeFoon Revisits Mandarin Kitchen in Falim It’s been four years since I last visited Mandarin Kitchen in Falim. Not only have they since moved premises (still in Falim) but now its a bigger and roomier two shoplot space and as…
SeeFoon Gets Mad about Ramen in Old Town I love noodles. It’s my Achilles heel. No amount of willpower or determination can keep me from guzzling noodles if it’s staring me in the face and taunting me. Even if it…
SeeFoon Forages in Morel Soho It’s hard to forage in Malaysia unless you follow a knowledgeable Orang Asli who still lives off the land. But in other parts of the world where foraging is practised, not just by those who…