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SeeFoon Goes Pubbing at Lunch Time

I have never been much of a pub person and if there is one pub in Ipoh that I have been to most often would be Healy Mac’s in Greentown. And the reason is not because it’s across the road from the…

SeeFoon takes a drive for Jelawat

For some of my readers who may not know what Jelawat is, let me assure you that it’s worth the 35-minute drive to Gopeng for this special fish. Avid foodie that I may be, I am loathe to drive for…

SeeFoon Embraces Healthy Gourmet Dining

When three siblings with different interests share a common goal to open a restaurant, the likes of which Ipoh has never experienced, the end result could have been disastrous with each sibling grappling for the lion’s share of focus but…

Ipoh’s Celebrity Chef Treats at the Dome

A first for Ipoh and a first for the Dome Restaurant at Meru Valley Resort, celebrity chef Greg Farnan fired up the kitchen as well as invited guests at an exclusive dinner hosted by Dorper Lamb Malaysia and Meru Valley…

SeeFoon Gets Clubby at the Dome

I usually don’t expect good food at a club. A simple bowl of noodles or fried rice is about all I allow myself and with some luck it’s served in an air-conditioned environment. When it comes to gourmet food, I…

SeeFoon gets lucky with Laksa

When a former industrialist decides to set up a food stall, it is certainly not with the intention to put food on the table for his family like the way most Mama and Papa stalls begin their journey but rather…