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Help the Small Businesses: Doreen Kam

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My dear readers may not believe this but I am a picky eater. Like I seldom eat bread. When I do, it has to be sourdough. The reasons are many. I am a borderline diabetic and I watch my sugar and carbohydrate consumption very carefully. Hence: sourdough, which often has a lower glycaemic index than that of other breads – meaning, it doesn’t spike blood sugar as dramatically. 

Sourdough bread contains the friendly bacteria Lactobacillus in a higher proportion to yeast than do other breads. More Lactobacillus means higher production of lactic acid, which means less of the potentially dangerous phytic acid. And what does that mean? More mineral availability and easier digestion! 

Acetic acid–which inhibits the growth of mold, is produced in the making of sourdough. So, sourdough naturally preserves itself. 

So I always welcome newcomers to the sourdough scene in Ipoh. 

One person in Ipoh who has entered the home food production scene is Doreen Kam. A home Chef who used to work for private clients in Kuala Lumpur,  Doreen, an Ipohite,  has returned to Ipoh since the MCO and finding herself at loose ends, decided to offer her specialties to the public. 

One of them is sourdough bread, in various forms to cater to different palates and tastes.

Having sampled her sourdough, I am happy to add Doreen to the list of up and coming bread makers in Ipoh who are making their mark on  the local culinary scene, despite COVID!

Crusty multi seeds sourdough

Crusty multi seeds sourdough, RM18.00 a loaf.

Soft wholemeal sandwich sourdough

Soft wholemeal sandwich sourdough, RM15.00 a loaf.

Order 2 days in advance for bread and pick up after 2pm. 

Doreen also makes Kimchi, that delectable Korean pickle that’s full of yummilicious friendly bacteria and probiotics, kind to your digestive system and credited with many health benefits including lowering cholesterol. 


Available once a week on Wednesdays. RM22 for 500gm.

She also makes Ham Choy or Preserved Mustard Greens (which I adore) without artificial preservatives. Unlike commercial Ham Choy which I don’t trust (sealed in plastic and who knows what lurks inside the bag?), there are additives like Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), colouring, preservatives and sometimes soy sauce (with wheat). Caveat: Not all.

Ham Choy

I love Doreen’s Ham Choy as I know she doesn’t use any preservatives and you need to cook with it within a week after you pick up.

Ham Choy, RM8.00 a pack around 200-250g.

Do call Doreen. She is always coming out with new goodies. 


Doreen Kam
42, Jalan Chow Kai, Canning Garden.
Call or Whatsapp +6016-5559496

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