SeeFoon Revels in Post Partum Delights

I never had the luxury of having a Pui Yuet or postpartum nanny cooking for me and taking care of my baby in the days of the long ago when I gave birth to my son as I was far away from…
I never had the luxury of having a Pui Yuet or postpartum nanny cooking for me and taking care of my baby in the days of the long ago when I gave birth to my son as I was far away from…
Mention ‘Mah Lat’ to me and I go instantly into my Pavlovian reflex and start drooling. Well not quite literally drooling but all my gustatory senses are heightened and my taste buds can barely wait for that first searing hit…
When your speciality of the house is Cod fish head, people sit up and take notice. After all we’re used to Grouper, Snapper, Salmon or even Tenggiri fish head but Cod? So when Ginla Chew mentioned Cod Fish Head Assam Curry,…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen I am aware that some of my readers out there occasionally mutter about my writing about the same type of food over and over again especially when it comes to dishes from the typical…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen I have always lived by the motto that I will go anywhere for special food. And when my foodie friend Ginla Chew mentioned Larut Matang Seafood, my first thought was…“now that’s going to be…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen I love steamboat. I love everything about it, the steam opening all your pores and ruining your makeup; the decision as to what to put in the pot first; the trawling for cooked bits…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen One doesn’t have to go very far to find a good Dai Chau restaurant in Ipoh but by and large, it’s difficult to have a good meal late at night as most of the…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen The long stretch of Kuala Kangsar Road is unfamiliar territory for me with its block after block of shophouses and a myriad sundry businesses. It takes a person of my foodie friend Ginla Chew’s…
Musings on Food By SeeFoon Chan-Koppen The one lament I have about being introduced to ‘Tai Chau’ (literally translated to mean ‘big fry’) restaurants is that the dishes in each are, as the Americans would put it…‘same old, same old’.…
Musings on Food by SeeFoon Chan-Koppen Call it Chaozhou, Teochew, or Teochiew as in the case of the Teochiew Restaurant on Maxwell Road but I drive past it almost daily and the name has caught my eye but like most…