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See Foon

See Foon

SeeFoon Chan-Koppen has been writing a food column called Musings on Food in the Ipoh Echo since 2009. It is widely read both in print as well as online which receives more than 1 million hits a month. Her forte is in communications, having honed her skills after graduating from the University of Singapore where she worked for the Straits Times Group and was a food critic for the New Nation. Her knowledge of food and cooking come from more than 30 years in the hotel industry based in Singapore, Tokyo, Hong Kong and subsequently Kuala Lumpur. During this time, she has travelled all over the world and eaten at the best and worst restaurants. She is totally intimate with the subtleties and nuances of most cuisines of the world having been involved in opening over 50 hotels throughout the Asia/Pacific region and China where she helped to conceptualize Food and Beverage themes and critiqued on food quality. SeeFoon calls herself a global citizen and now chooses the serenity and friendliness of Ipoh to the bright lights of the many cities she has lived in. She also loves the food in Ipoh and is passionate about telling the world about it.

SeeFoon is Blown Away Molecule by Molecule

Molecular what? was the typical reaction I received when I rang around my friends and asked if they’d like to join in for Ipoh’s first ‘Molecular’ dinner. Chef Simon Lee of Citrus Wine and Dine has been quietly experimenting behind the scenes…

SeeFoon hoots for Hoppers

Hoppers which are also known as Appam, are an iconic food of Sri Lanka. Most people here in Malaysia are familiar with this snack, a wafer-thin bowl-shaped pancake made from a fermented batter of rice flour and coconut milk, although one…

Musings SeeFoon’s Capon Caper in Falim

It’s that time of year again as Chinese New Year approaches, when Ipohites find themselves craving for Capon. Larger than a chicken, a bit smaller than a turkey, but more flavourful than either, a Capon is a castrated rooster, fed…

SeeFoon Tattles over Tea and Titbits

When you’re faced with 140 different kinds of tea, it is easy to become dazed by the plethora of choices and options and if it wasn’t for the enthusiastic intervention of Aven Ng, I would have had no clue as…

SeeFoon Goes Halal for Ramadan

Over the years of living in Ipoh, I have often heard of Caterbest Restaurant in Bercham as a shining example of Halal Chinese food but somehow it never made it to my list of ‘to try’ places. Recently however, a Muslim visitor…